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Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 39 in total

Can't Get Pregnant?? Try THIS ❤️

The solution to not being able to get pregnant might be more simple than you think. Inflammation is massive issue in a lot of female bodies these days and if we can re...

From Professional Dancer to Mindset Coach: Interview w/ Tanya Jane!

Tanya Jane uprooted her life 12 years ago from Australia to Los Angeles to pursue her dance career. After several years of never knowing if she was going to be able to...

From Dark to Light: A Comeback Story with Sneż

Snez is a BADASS coach who's story will leave everyone feeling like their excuses are null and void. I met Snez a few years back and hired her to train me a little ove...


Mindset for mamas is soooo important and not talked about enough!! We have the hardest job in the world with very little resources for US on how to lead a health-minde...

Interview with Glow Getter Kaycee Frost | The Claude Code E16

I love sharing my clients' stories! Kaycee comes from a difficult past of drugs and abuse and somehow managed to raise two beautiful girls, make her health a priority,...

Interview with Super Mom Janelle Wheale | The Claude Code E15

Janelle has lost over 450 lbs. Wow. Just wow!! What a beautiful being Janelle is! We uncovered so much in this episode. Her story is incredibly inspiring. Please liste...

The Claude Code Health Series PT. 1 - INFLAMMATION

In this video I share with your the root cause of chronic illness and inability to lose weight! INFLAMMATION! I'll also show you how to get rid of it so you can HEAL a...

Don't Let Your Emotions Control You!

Emotions are never meant to be a guide. They're just something happening to you in REACTION to something. Which you always have control over your reactions. So you alw...

It's Not Supposed To Be Easy!!

Whoever tries to sell on the fact that losing weight should be fun and easy and cozy and comfortable, is a liar.Because it's not just about losing the weight.It's abou...

Interview w/ Glow Getter Deanna Bomb Chicka

Listen to a live conversation with a client of mine who disagrees heavily with my approach and message.Deanna came to me as a referral and had NEVER seen my content. A...


2024 IT'S all OFFENSE BABY!!! PLOW THROUGH THE DEFENSE AND GET THAT TOUCHDOWN!!Fill out this form to work with me on balancing your hormones and losing weight!👇🏼 https...

Where Have All The Men Gone?! The Claude Code E08

Surrounded by a bunch of soft, overweight, weak, still-on-the-tit men made me realize why women have become so masculine. We HAVE to be in order to survive because men...

There's Always A Price To Pay!

Piggie backing off my last episode, we dive deeper into how theres a price to pay no matter what you do. There's a price for those results you want. There's also a muc...

Confidence is BUILT!

Everyone wants confidence but noone is willing to pay the price. There's a price to pay for everything!! You choose what you pay for!! Fill out this form to work with ...

Poptart Culture...No Thank You!

This society has gotten way too soft. I mean, it's all about who can be the most offended, who can feel the most sorry for themselves, who is the most hurt, the most s...

Body Positivity is Big Time Bullshit!

A scam!!! Body positivity is a scam! Revisiting this topic because it can't be talked about enough. This whole movement is the epitome of BULLSHIT!!Fill out this form ...

The Reason is You!!

The only thing that's wrong with you is...YOU!!! Take full responsibility and watch your life TRANSFORM.✨Fill out this form to work with me on balancing your hormones ...

Get Off The Tit!

Men and women gotta do better. Men, pull up. If your mom kept you on the tit too long, it's time to figure shit out so you can actually support a family and protect on...

The Most Selfish Moms!

No one deserves a medal LESS than a mom who does everything for everyone but herself. Stop being selfish and take care of YOU.Join my tribe of Glow Getters and work wi...

Interview w/ Ben Azadi!

So excited to have best selling author and creator of Keto Kamp, Ben Azadi, on the show this week! Listen in as we discuss all things keto, fasting, metabolic flexibil...

Not Your Responsibility

Another grown adult's reactions to YOUR truth is not your responsibility! Have the guts to speak your truth, always!Fill out this form to work with me on balancing you...

Who The Fuck Are YOU?!

Show yourself who the fuck you are EVERY DAY! No slipping! No missing! Fill out this form to work with me on fitness, nutrition and mindset💪🏼: https://link.accelerated...

Be CAUSE over your life!

Being at effect to so many things in your life is just giving your power away. Take your power back by being CAUSE over situations, circumstances and people in your li...


PROVE your faith with ACTION. Praying every day won't get you anywhere if you don't MOVE and take RISKS toward your goals.If you have faith in God, why are you so scar...

The Claude Code Welcomes Cole Luis DaSilva-Turning Sheep Into Wolves

On this episode The Claude Code welcomes Global Fitness, Mindset and Business Coach, Cole Luis DaSilva, for some serious conversation around what it takes to reach goa...

Let That Shit Bounce Off!

Don't be sponge to other's people's words. Be bulletproof glass. Fill out this form to work with me on fitness, nutrition and mindset💪🏼: https://link.acceleratedbusine...

Leave That Sh*t In The Past!

Enough with the sob stories. Write a new fucking story! Create a new fucking person! One that YOU are obsessed with! The past is the past. Leave it there. Doesn't matt...

Just Do Something!

What if you just went for it? What's the worst that can happen? You'll fail. SO WHAT?! Failing is one step closer to success! So fail! Fail big! Fail A lot! You can't ...


All this wanting and no doing. What you put out, you get back. How much are you willing to bet on yourself? The universe will match exactly what you think you're worth...

Become The Person You Want Your Kids to Be.

HOW CAN YOU EXPECT THINGS FROM YOUR CHILDREN THAT YOU AREN'T OR THAT YOU DON'T DO YOURSELF?! We have to become better people if we want our kids to be better. You have...

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