The Road to Gratitude is Fucking Ugly

From suicidal postpartum to a six-figure online coaching business in under 2 years. Fuck with me.
Welcome to The Claude Code! For my very first episode I wanted to share with you guys a little raw truth about my experience with postpartum depression and anxiety and how the fuck that led me here to this insane growth mindset and a 6-figure online coaching business that I started 6 months ago. I felt so sorry for myself for a very long time for having postpartum depression, getting diagnosed with Hashimoto's and gaining 35lbs that I just couldn't lose! But in 2021 I said "fuck this", started a new business and 10X it in a year and a half. I also lost 30lbs, reversed my Hashimotos and got a nutrition certification. Here's how all that shit led to the most gratitude and the best life I've known yet.

Here is the link for the GLOW UP WITH CLAUDE HORMONE RESET COURSE Waitlist. Course is launching this March!
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The Road to Gratitude is Fucking Ugly
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